Apartment cleaning Kyiv



Cleaning up apartments in Kiev and the region

Today’s people are actively concerned about their health in various areas of life, including in the area of ​​their work. Cleaning apartments is an important part of people’s lives.
Leather houses, apartment or territory for work, but environmentally friendly, safe for health and comfortable for life.

Your apartment or house is a place, de vie, you gain new strength, spend an hour with your relatives and loved ones.
To create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility, budinok, in which you live, you are to blame, but always clean and fresh. The ecology of the life is the health of all the motherland.

Apartment cleaning Kyiv
Apartment cleaning Kyiv

Cleaning company Kyiv “BLISK UKRAINE” speaks about your health and promotes professional and professional cleaning of apartments:

1. General cleaning;
2. Cleaning up;
3. Cleaning up apartments after repair.

For efficient cleaning of pharmaceuticals by the company “BLISK UKRAINE” only safe, certified and environmentally friendly companies are commissioned: Kärcher, Amway, Nerta, Flowey.

General cleaning of apartments, as a rule, is carried out not so often, approximately 1 time in 3 months. Vimagaє vіd vlasnikіv apartments manifest physical and emotional forces, penny vitrate, majestic patience and borrow a lot of time.

The cleaning of apartments for us is on the right and we know all the technologies and nuances of the creation of the territory of cleanliness and freshness.

General cleaning is a step-by-step process, which includes:

1. Cleaning mirror and glass surfaces: windows, doors, stained glass windows, etc.;
2. Vision saw by professional saws from fabric surfaces and soft furnishings;
3. Cleaning of bathrooms and disinfection of sanitary facilities;
4. Outdoor cleaning of scorching systems;
5. Visible sawing and furnishing of furniture with safe antistatic methods with a prolonged effect;
6. Vologa pribirannya pіdlogi s be-yakim pokrittami (laminate, parquet, linoleum) with further processing of special oils and zasobami.

Apartment cleaning Kyiv
Apartment cleaning Kyiv

More cleaning of the apartment is carried out in the world of necessity.
The services of cleaning are especially needed after the repair. We can, in our order with special supplies for tidying up, as quickly and resolutely allow you to renovate, and with majestic joy you will come to your new, clean and smelling fresh apartment!

We respect our clients and always listen to your recommendations and favors. Cleaning company in Kiev “Blisk” brilliantly creates for you an oasis of cleanliness and territory of comfort!

Get to know the price list of our company’s services and build the kind of work that you need to spend in the walls to lie down for you, the housekeepers from Kiev, the housing facility.
