In order to achieve maximum convenience in pool maintenance, the service company’s specialists undertake the entire complex of pool cleaning and maintenance work. Such works include the delivery of consumables, quartz sand or chemical reagents. Keeping the equipment and the water itself in perfect condition and many other functions. In pool cleaning companies, it is customary to provide the owners of these structures with the necessary instruction on the operation of the equipment and safety techniques. Any work must be recorded in the service book to avoid adverse service consequences.
The company’s specialists can perform a variety of one-off jobs. Among them, such as cleaning the walls and bottom of the pool with water drainage, cleaning debris from the bottom of the pool with a bottom cleaner and other services.

Why cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool
The more often the pool is used, the more dirt appears on the bottom and walls. And this causes health problems for those who bathe. Here is a small list of reasons why you should regularly clean pools:
- first of all, after the construction of the pool, a lot of construction debris remains on the walls and floors in the form of dust from dry mixtures, which are not so easy to remove;
- occurrence of fungus and mold;
- lime, salt and calcium deposits from the water, which spoil the water treatment system;
- edge to edge of the pool with an accumulated layer of dirt.
An experienced team will complete tasks of any complexity at any time convenient for the customer. The price of disinfection and cleaning of the pool depends on the scope and complexity of the work. The company works around the clock, without weekends and holidays.
Reasonable service for the pool in Kiev and the region
Do not think that after the end of everyday life, you can relax and relax with relief. The fate of you or the specialists in cleaning the pools will be needed for the entire duration of your operation. Aje water is dovkillam rich microorganism, and their uncontrolled reproduction can lead to serious confusion. That should be trusted to serve the pool to the fahivtsy, as they are motivated by such a robot. The same maintenance of the pools, the prices of which you see as affordable, can relieve you of unnecessary problems and allow you to forget about those that your pool can wander. Such works must be carried out periodically. To that it is necessary to know a really good fakhivtsya, a building-house vporatis, be it we put tasks before him. Even so, the procedures will require the same knowledge, as well as the establishment of special cleaning services. However,
Service of swimming pools Kyiv
When applying for the services of our company, you will receive the following list of pool cleaning services:
- Cleaning the waterline and pool walls from mineral deposits and scale;
- Collection of garbage from the surface with a net, and from the bottom – with a professional water vacuum cleaner;
- Washing the filter and analyzing the state of the filtering equipment;
- Checking the water level in the bowl;
- Launch of chemical disinfectants;
- Checking and adjusting water composition, PH level;
- Checking the state of the dosing station;
- Leak detection and equipment diagnostics.
Specialists, performing repairs and maintenance of swimming pools, will replace all parts that have worn out and eliminate defects that have arisen.

How to order pool cleaning in Kyiv
Professional pool cleaning from the BLYSK UKRAINE company is ideal cleaning and disinfection in a short period of time using cleaning products and equipment.
Complex maintenance of swimming pools installed in sports clubs, spa centers, hotels or schools, most often cannot be undertaken by the employees of these organizations, so special companies, such as, for example, Poseidon, are engaged in cleaning and repair. We offer pool maintenance in Kyiv and the Kyiv region. When concluding a contract on planned regular maintenance, the company guarantees the purity of the water and the serviceability of the equipment.