Landscaping of the territory in Kiev and the region
After the completion of all work, the laying of all communications by the specialists of “BLISK UKRAINE”, the territory will be landscaped. Our company promotes landscaping of the territory for the first time or for the improvement of other services.
Working on landscaping can be carried out independently, but if you go about the great territories, collapsible soils, you can get to the company more quickly, so that you can get knowledge of landscaping technology from landscape design.
The landscaping of the territory gives the territory a finished look, creates a welcoming atmosphere that pleasantly blends into the air.

Landscaping the interior of the territory in Kiev:
The Pochatkov stage of the implementation of the landscape plan includes concreting, laying sand, crushed stone, soil and other procedures that are carried out using the best technology. Before them one can see:

Stages of landscaping the territory
After the preparatory activities, the designers conduct decorative activities to create coziness near the house. This stage combines several mandatory services:
installation of sports fields, artificial gardens;
installation of gazebos, bridges and other architectural structures;
planting plants in soil soils (shrubs, flower beds, fences and other objects);
laying purchased lawn or sowing grass to grow a natural cover;
surface covering of the soil with bark to protect and improve its properties;
creating installations using stones, gravel and other natural materials.

When carrying out work, it is important to follow the basic rules and correctly combine the main features of design – functionality, attractive appearance, benefit. At the same time, the designer must have knowledge of color theory, be able to use techniques for organizing space (contrast, brightness, symmetry), take into account existing forms, and correctly place accents.
It is also necessary to comply with the main requirement – choose correctly, and then plant plants in compliance with the requirements for soils, their humidity, and the speed of growth of green plants.
Our company, consisting of craftsmen with extensive experience, is ready to create a practical turnkey vacation spot. Our specialists offer a project that is fully agreed with the client and low prices. As a result, you get the arrangement of your home, urban space, taking into account your wishes.

Why choose us
- Price policy. We always focus on the budget and develop a plan according to your requirements. Close the prices at the koshtoris.
- The exact term carried out. Usі terms zazdalegіd umovlyuyuyutsya and robots will be vykonanі exactly at the hour.
- Turnkey project. We win all services from the greening of the territory, your fate is less at the first and the last stage.
- More than safe. We have all the necessary equipment and equipment for raising the most warehouse robots
- All robots carry out the qualification of specialists in compliance with the requirements of documentation and standards.