Disinfection of industrial industrial applications in Kiev and the region
Treatment with ozone is necessary for the reduction of mold, fungus, surplus of chemical deposits of mercury and chlorine, acidic and lukewarm waters. The stench accumulates on the walls, seams and wall details, trim elements, furniture, etc. It is difficult to clean the surface of them for additional help, but it is difficult to do it mechanically, but it is impossible in rich vipads.
Ozone is a barless gas that is made up of triatomic oxygen molecules. Vіn vіdіznyаєє vysokoy letkіstyu, penetrating at nіdіbnіshi і nіglіbshі schinіnі vіtіsnyає zvіdti poіtrya. But the most important thing in ozone is high chemical activity. Like an oxidizer, the gas is richly active for kisen.

Disinfection and cleaning Kyiv and region
- reduction of bacteria and viruses;
- destroying the mold of that fungus;
- oxidation of flavoring speeches;
- neutralization of mercury vapor;
- chemical bonding of active spoluk.
After the chemical reactions, the activity of all the fluctuations falls by orders of magnitude. Biological shkіdniki, including coma, perish, odors disappear, it clears up again and becomes sour. By stretching a few dozens of thins, while the ozone is active, it is cleared outside, not only once again, but on the surface and on the surface of the empty empty places, where the zabrudnennya accumulates.
Technology of ozonation
The treatment with ozone does not leave excess deposits, as disinfection is another type of fight against odors and bacteria. Gas falls out equal to the natural concentration for a sprat of dozens of quills. Ale, in the process of processing, it is necessary to follow the rules of singing:
- vikoristuvati less certified possession;
- to make an appointment less for the presence of people;
- after processing, check the premises;
- do not allow the working concentration of ozone to be transported.

In all cases, the ozone treatment of living quarters, basements, warehouses should be carried out only by specially trained specialists of “BLISK UKRAINE” for the help of mobile ozone generators. With the operation of the ozonizer, the voltage on the electric line is minimal, and the noise does not exceed the permissible parameters.
Also, the Disinfection Service “Glavdeztsentr” promotes the service of demercurization – the removal of mercury and dust from the surface and other objects. There are two ways: mechanical – picking up mercury bags; chemical-physical – processing of mercury-infected mіsts for the help of special speeches – demercurizers.