Detergents for cleaning

The world around us – nature, water, air, habitat – is a necessary and vital factor. Something global and immeasurable.
Our apartments, houses and work offices are a small, but no less important world around us.

By maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, ecology and a healthy atmosphere, we take care of our health and safe existence first of all.

When cleaning, the BLYSK UKRAINE company uses only environmentally friendly detergents and cleaning products produced by Kärcher, Amway, Nerta that do not harm health and the environment.


Detergents of the German company Kärcher, which has established itself as a leader in the production of equipment and tools in the field of cleaning, are used for cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture, carpets. Kärcher products do not have strong odors and are completely harmless.

Detergent Nerta, manufactured in Belgium, leaves no chance for greasy and stone-like formations. It is represented by various detergents, the range of use from floors and walls to ovens and pipelines. The preparations are intended for cleaning and disinfection, with a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. The chemistry used does not contain poisons and is more than 90% biodegradable.

Amway detergents are hypoallergenic, do not contain alkali, freon, chlorine, phosphates and other harmful substances.
