Our fahіvtsі zazdalegіd uzgodzhuyut hour and date of the work with the deputy, the main aspects of the work є:
• Objective assessment will become a sofa with rozrahunkom vartosti yogo cleaning and further yogo obrobka spetsializovanym bezpechnymi zasobami;
• Advanced technology guarantees a high level of cleaning efficiency with low noise level, which does not threaten the comfort of the sofa, nor the airways;
• The cleaning of the sofa can be carried out, both in the presence of the deputy, and without it.
Our cleaning company provides the best services for an affordable price with a quality guarantee. Dry-cleaning in Kiev in the name of our company takes a leading position for the quality of its services, which we rely on and the terms of the service.

Newly needed professional dry cleaning of sofas
Professional cleaning of sofas in Kiev – a wide range of services, directing to look after furniture, for additional cleaning, you can not only save the old look of the upholstery, but also neutralize microorganisms, fungus, bacteria, which can negatively live in the middle of furniture and improve your health self-consciously.
Wart respect for those who accumulate furniture drank, as in the end you can call for an allergy, a broken dream and another illness. Crimson sofas quickly absorb the smells of hedgehogs, domestic creatures, etc., and keep the situation well-ventilated regularly.
Kiev has a lot of people who don’t have dry cleaners and clean the sofas in the home minds. What often causes mustiness, separation and flames on the upholstery until an unacceptable smell appears. Before the speech, the flames after the home cleansing could be seen richly folded. On the right, in the fact that in the fibers of the upholstery, a reaction occurs with the components of the butt chemistry, thereby changing the texture of the fabric, as well as its color. Krym tsgogo vikoristannya not spetsializovano pobutovaya chemistries lead to the accumulation of toxins, which cause allergic reactions not only in people, but also in domestic vikhovantsiv.
Dry-cleaning of sofas in Kiev is available and popular service, as in the last hour it has become on the same level as the cleaning of kilim covers. According to the statistics, a sprat of rokiv to that for 10 cleanings of kilims, falling down only one sofa. Today’s shows are equal.
Why it is not possible to clean furniture in household minds
In the pursuit of savings, people in Kiev try to clean the sofa on their own, because of which you often have to put up with the zipped upholstery or buy a new sofa. The reasons why it is not necessary to clean the sofa at home, do it richly, among the widest results of home cleaning are:
• Shrinkage of the fabric, yak in the distance stretches and sags, making the sofa neohaynim;
• Vitsvіtannya and plyami the most widespread problem after vikoristannya home pobutovoї chemії;
• Unacceptable odor can often accompany home cleaning of the sofa. Ale, the problem is much worse, after an epic soak in the fabric of a sofa mattress, a fungus and a fungus begin to develop.

Therefore, our cleaning company in Kiev is ready to share in joy, as if to save pardons during home cleaning. Everything is easy to finish, you can try to see the flame with a lightly damp sponge. Even though it did not help, it is categorically not recommended to continue experimenting with the butt chemistry and it is more possible to rub the upholstery, otherwise the dry cleaning of the sofa in Kiev will be powerless.
Why is it necessary to go to the services of professionals in Kiev

The pile of the upholstery of the sofas may not be the most powerful – take up to 70% of the saw that is found in the room, and up to 30% of the other dirt, with which the stench is eliminated in the middle, as a result of which ideal minds are created for the life of disease-producing bacteria.
Household cleanings allow you to remove only the occasional debris from the upper balls of the upholstery. At the same time, as a professional and technical equipment, it is possible to carry out the deepest cleaning of the sofa.
Only professionals are able to pick up the same koshti, like cleaning a sofa without shoddy upholstery and guaranteeing its cleanliness. Also, it is important for those who need special knowledge for the selection of miyuchy zasobіv, for which our specialists regularly take basic courses and thematic seminars.
Our cleaning company has specialized warehouses, which can provide quality, environmental and safety certificates. And the additional equipment is certified and approved by high standards in dry cleaning.
See dry cleaning of sofas
Regardless of those who for cleaning sofas, a large number of specialized chemicals and additional possessions are recognized, seeing only two dry cleaners. For dry cleaning of sofas, in the fallow type of zabrudnennya, one of the following types of cleaning is used:
Dry cleaning of the sofa in Kiev
Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture is recommended for piece, natural and mixed fabrics. This type of cleansing is one of the most delicate, but it can also be high-profile in the far-flung rich zabrudnen. Dry cleaning allows you to save the good look of bavovny, shovkovyh, vynyanyh, oxamite upholstery and іn., Do not allow deformation of the fibers and shrinkage of the fabric. In the process of processing, an offensive algorithm is developed: front cleaning of the surfaces of furniture, dry cleaning and removal of the flames by a special warehouse, removal of excess reagent and drying of the upholstery. An hour of dry cleaning can be taken from one to five years, in the staleness in the form of folding and old zabrudnen.
Cleaning with watery roses and a couple

This type of cleaning is vicorated on fabrics, for which it is not permissible to overheat. The essence of the method lies in the congestion of the stump, which is a kind of confusion, and it is necessary to help a special saw with high tension. Especially often this type of dry-cleaning in Kiev occurs after repairs, if the furniture can be covered with glue, wax, farby, grease, etc. Krym tsgogo, when cleaned with water, the steam generator can stagnate, but only on these types of fabrics, so as not to shrink. Like the dry cleaning method, for carrying out dry cleaning in a watery manner, it is also needed from one to a decade.
Choosing the method of making a sofa is more likely to trust fakhivtsy, otherwise the fabric may not only shrink, but spend color, so in home minds it is not recommended to wash it yourself or clean the sofas. Also, regular dry-cleaning of furniture can take up to an hour to clean the sofa on average up to 1.5 years.
See the clutter of sofas

Virishalnymi nutrition in that, chi dry cleaning sofa, є type of zabrudnen, z yakim happen to pratsyuvati. All confusion can be mentally divided into the following groups:
• Zagalni zagalnі zabrudnennya (home, budіvelna that ulitsa drank) – with this type of zagalnennya it’s easy to get in the way. Navіt zastarіla drank pіddaєtsya dry cleaners and at the sofa every chance to look like a store;
• Kharchovі zabrudnennya (fat plyami, alcohol, drinks and sauces) – tsі zabrudnennya tezh poddayutsya cleansing. Ale, as the flames of fat are 100% pure, then follow the wine, tea and cavi you can take for the mind, that the flame is fresher and did not look like home-made chemistry;
• Biological patches (shelter, slash, vomit, etc.) are the most folded patches, you can see that they are not worn out, especially if you wash them with patches or rub them over;
• Inorganic speech (plasticine, markers, glue, wax, etc.) – this type of confusion is the most popular, especially in families with small children. Ale navit tsі zabrudnennya piddayutsya cleansing.
All pererakhovanі more zabrudnennya not є virok for the sofa. There are even higher chances for all furniture, which should not be washed independently, but rather fresh.
Installation for dry cleaning of sofas
For the regular cleaning of a sofa in Kiev, you need not only professional chemicals for cleaning the upholstery, but special equipment. Our cleaning company is the most suitable for victorious cleanings of vicorist offensive collection of property:
• Professional extractor vikoristovuetsya for deep cleaning sofas. This aggregate sprouted on the couch, miyuchy zasіb on the surface of the sofa, after which it was “swept up” into a special tank, like a sucker only of high tightness, drank and splintered;
• Three speed fan. It’s no secret that after cleaning the sofa is clean, aloe vologii and, to speed up the process of hanging up the exhaust fan. With the help of yoga, after completion, the surface of the upholstery is dry and it is received on the dotik.
A lot of deputies in Kiev are worried that the aggregates of such great roses will see unbearable noise. Modern technologies have developed the rock far ahead, and the harder it is, you can see the sound is not stronger, the lower sound of a homemade piper.